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Location: Vermont, United States

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Varnish, Paints, DuPont, Tools

top row:

"CHI-NAMEL". Varnish Co. in Cleveland, Ohio circa 1900. Stain & Varnish in one step, also Graining.

Patton Paint Co. Milwaukee, WIS., Sun-Proof Paints Newark, N.J. (on reverse), circa 1911-1920.

"Aged", Pitcairn Varnish Co. Milwaukee Newark (on reverse).

Advertising for DuPont gun powder. This is a figural of a Woodcock and is one of the rarer DuPont stickpins making it very hard to find.

bottom row:

B & S Manufacturing Co. of Providence , Rhode Island, (Brown & Sharpe Co. 1867-1902) Micrometer. E.C. Atkins & Co. Indianapolis, Ind.

"AAA" (Atkins Always Ahead).

"Starrett Tools" (L.S. Starrett Co., founded in 1880, makers of Micrometers and other precision tools).